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Product / Inventory
Graphic Designer
Right hand man, fixer of all things electronic, Helping my ideas come to fruition since 2003.

Laborer / Supervisor
Hands on and fixer of all things manual. If you're extremely quiet on any given day you can hear him cracking the whip! LoL "Get back to work!"

Carer / Laborer
BooBoo Fixer
Her job is extremely important, she keeps me calm on the days it gets crazy around here! She corrects mistakes that have been made with zero judgement (ok, maybe a little judgement) LoL

Inventory Distributor
Blake is our heavy lifter around here. Reorganization is the game and he's #1 at it.

Packaging Expert
Brice is responsible for labelling all outgoing products, cutting tags, sealing envelopes and prepping newsletters.
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